20 September 2024

Police in Thailand’s north-eastern province of Sakhon Nakhon and representatives from the Watchdog Thailand Foundation, an NGO dedicated to the protection of dogs, searched a meat store in Tha Rae district and seized some dried meat for DNA testing, to determine whether it is dog flesh.

The search of the store, located on Tha Rae-Si Songkhram Road in the municipal area, followed complaints that the store has been selling dried dog and other meat.

The road was a famous market for dog meat over a decade ago. The trade was, however, outlawed and all the shops there closed down after an intense campaign against the trade in dog meat.

Pol Col Thanakrit Charoennetikul, the deputy superintendent of Muang district police said they searched the store, which was claimed to have dried dog flesh for sale, and another location where it is suspected that dogs are slaughtered.

He said that no traces of dog carcasses were found at the suspected slaughter site, but police seized two pieces of dried meat from the store for DNA testing, adding that the store owner will face legal action, in accordance with the Infectious Animal Disease Control Act, if the specimens are confirmed to of canine origin.