20 September 2024

Security officials recommended today that people avoid travelling near Narathiwat’s Sungai Kolok district, after insurgent attacks wounded four officers and damaged an army vehicle.

The attacks occurred as special forces were patrolling in an armoured vehicle during their routine shift, about 200 meters from their base in Tambon Pasemas, when insurgents triggered an explosion, damaging the vehicle.

An exchange of gunfire ensued when insurgents, hiding along the roadside, opened fire on the officers, who returned fire.

After a brief firefight, the insurgents managed to escape, leaving four officers slightly injured by shrapnel.

The insurgents deployed spikes on a nearby route to prevent nearby officers from reaching the injured team.

Following the attacks, three inbound routes to Sungai Kolok district were closed, along with a checkpoint near the Kolok River, in an attempt to find the culprits. Drone surveillance was also used.

The recommendation, particularly regarding the Sungai Kolok-Munoh route, was issued due to concerns that attackers may use spikes to block vehicles.

Officials also plan to stop and search suspicious vehicles traveling on those routes.