20 September 2024

Deputy Interior Minister Chada Thaised criticised his nephew today, who was arrested for allegedly possessing methamphetamines and firearms, saying he deserved it.

Chada confirmed that Noraset Thaised is the son of his father’s elder brother and said that the police could prosecute him without being concerned that he is his nephew.

The deputy interior minister was speaking during a telephone interview from Saudi Arabia, where he is making the Haj pilgrimage.

Chada said that he had previously warned Noraset several times to behave, but he didn’t listen.

“Because of his serial bad behaviour, I do not even allow him to enter my house,” he said.

Noraset and his friends were arrested at a Bangkok hotel. In the room, police found six packs of methamphetamines, as well as a firearm and ammunition without a permit.