20 September 2024

The Pollution Control Department (PCD) is gauging the public’s opinion on the department’s plan to require diesel-engine vehicles, which are over 20 years old, to have their engines tested twice a year, instead of just once, as part of the effort to reduce PM2.5 pollution.

Preeyaporn Suwanaged, director-general of the PCD, said that automobiles account for 51% of PM2.5 emissions in and around Bangkok and, of these, 44% is from diesel-engine vehicles, such as trucks and pickup trucks, compared to 21% from the industrial sector, 10% from households, 6% from open-air burning and 12% from other causes.

She singled out 20-year-old diesel-engine vehicles as the main contributors PM2.5 dust, adding that diesel-engine cars account for most of the vehicles over 20 years old.

She said that public opinions gathered in the survey will be used to help determine the department’s pollution strategy.

Those who are interested in participating in the poll can visit https://forms.gle/Dz7pToCKmEA5gqM27 and for more information, call 02-2982280 until July 2.