20 September 2024

Thailand will chair Asia Cooperation Dialogue next year to foster an inclusive, prosperous, and wealthy Asia, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The decision was made during the ACD ministerial meeting in Tehran early this week.

Foreign Minister Maris Sagiempongsa expressed Thailand’s intention to drive forward ACD during its chairmanship next year.

Thailand has already proposed several initiatives such as organizing formal and retreat meetings, a thematic conference on global architecture, and the establishment of ACD.

Maris also proposed to enhance collaboration between ACD and other international organizations.

The ACD, initiated by Thailand in 2002, is a pan-Asia cooperation and policy dialogue forum aimed at promoting mutual trust, interest and understanding among Asian countries and finding common solutions to global challenges.

The ACD has 35 members with its headquarters in Kuwait.

In Tehran, the ACD members approved by consensus the Tehan Declaration as the outcome document of the meeting.

It outlined the ACD’s future development objectives and identified challenges facing Asia. It also showed solidarity with the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The meeting was attended by 41 foreign delegations including secretaries-general of nine international organizations.

In Teheran, the ACD members approved the Teheran Declaration as the outcome document of the meeting.

The declaration outlined the ACD’s future development objectives and identified challenges facing Asia.

It was adopted by consensus, showing solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

by Thai PBS World//Photo : ACD ministerial meeting in Tehran, Iran//Thai FM