20 September 2024

In retrospect, when Russia expressed the desire to join NATO in 2008, the Western alliance should have been open-minded enough to consider the overture. Now it is too late.

All the discussions at NATO’s 75th anniversary in Washington, DC, were laden with promises of future conflict with Russia. As President Joe Biden revealed, NATO is actively preparing for war. 

Currently, it is peacetime, at least for the 32 members. However, behind closed doors, there is a recognition that Ukraine is being used as a testing ground for future warfare with Russia.

NATO members have supplied Ukraine with a mix of outdated and cutting-edge weapons for Ukrainian troops to experiment with on the battlefield.

Since February 2022, it has become evident that Russia is engaged in a prolonged conflict with Ukraine, which is heavily dependent on the support of the US and its allies.

Given the uncertainty associated with the upcoming electoral round in the US, Biden is currently offering unwavering support to Ukraine and its allies. But after November, anything can happen.

NATO is now at the forefront of the West’s strategic planning for a future war with Russia. In Washington, the US, as the principal sponsor of the ongoing conflict, continues to supply Ukraine with the necessary resources to combat Russian forces.

As the conflict evolves, the specter of nuclear Armageddon looms ever closer.

Indeed, NATO should use its 75th commemoration to promote unity and success as a stepping stone towards building future peace for the next generation.

Instead, the world’s largest military alliance has arrogantly pledged to increase funding, innovation, and other capabilities that would make future wars even more lethal and destructive for humans and their environments.

This focus on militarization overshadowed the potential for diplomatic solutions and peaceful initiatives.

The gathering in Washington, DC, was a missed opportunity because Ukraine was the main focus of the commemoration.

The harsh reality is that Kyiv aims to win the war against Russia, which has invaded its eastern neighbor in violation of international law.

However, many experts and scholars worldwide reiterate that Western support for Ukraine will not last indefinitely.

There must be a compromise solution that can save lives and lessen global tensions. Most importantly, it would help reduce the chance of nuclear conflict.

Russia is preparing for nuclear war because, if the situation continues as it is, it has nothing to lose.

The best strategy for Russia might be to inflict unfathomable damage on NATO members, particularly those who are strong supporters of Ukraine, including the allies on the Atlantic side. 

Despite his autocratic tendencies, President Putin is still capable of negotiating. He was willing to consider business propositions.

Conversely, it is interesting that the Western alliance currently does not want to accept this proposition.

They believe they can win. Furthermore, they also believe that continuous warfare will greatly weaken Russia’s economic and military strength in the long term.

The potential destruction of the whole of Europe is a real risk, given that Russia is an integral part of the continent.

This would be a lose-lose scenario. NATO still has time to change this destructive pathway.

NATO political leaders must come to their common senses and realize that it would be better to live cooperatively and competitively with Russia than confrontationally as before.

The 75th anniversary of NATO could have been a platform to envision a future of peace and cooperation.

Instead, it has solidified the alliance’s preparation for conflict. This approach risks not only prolonging the war in Ukraine but also escalating it into a broader and more devastating confrontation.

The path forward should focus on dialogue, compromise, and the pursuit of mutual understanding to prevent the catastrophic consequences of a nuclear conflict.

Fortunately, the regional countries are all for these peaceful approaches.

NATO’s Washington rendezvous should have been a moment to reflect on past successes and chart a course toward a peaceful and cooperative future.

Instead, the alliance has doubled down on its militaristic approach, preparing for a war that could have devastating global repercussions.

Deep down, they also want their Indo-Pacific friends and allies to join in, broadening the potential for more conflicts.

Therefore, NATO leaders must shift their focus from confrontation to collaboration, to prevent the loss of countless lives and the potential destruction of Europe.

By embracing diplomacy and seeking peaceful resolutions, NATO can honor its original mission of ensuring the security and stability of its member states.

The time to act is now before the world is plunged into another devastating conflict.

by Kavi Chongkittavorn//Photo : President Joe Biden speaks during an event in Washington marking NATO’s 75th anniversary, July 9.-Courtesy photo