20 September 2024

The first lot of 30,000 adult Asian seabass (Barramundi – Lates calcarifer) were released into the Tha Chin River in Samut Sakhon province today, as part of the Fisheries Department’s efforts to use the predatory fish to get rid of Blackchin tilapia fry and prevent the non-indigenous species from spreading.

Paderm Rod-in, chief of the Samut Sakhon provincial fisheries office, said today that many Blackchin tilapia fry have been detected in the watercourses in the province and, therefore, it is necessary to eliminate them before they mature and multiply further.

The second batch of Asian seabass will be released on Tuesday, into the canal at Yokkrabat Temple, followed by the third and fourth releases of 20,000 seabass each in watercourses in Ban Paew district and in Pantai Norasing sub-district.

Paderm said that some fisheries experts have proposed the use of electric shocks to get rid of Blackchin tilapia in canals, where push net fishing cannot be used, adding, however, that the proposal has not yet been approved.

Meanwhile, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has launched a program to distribute free Blackchin tilapia dishes, prepared by well-known chef Chumphol Jangprai, to the poor, low income-earners and the elderly.

The chef reportedly said that the meat of the Blackchin tilapia is no different from that of the Nile tilapia, and he believes it can be used to turn into fermented fish.

Blackchin tilapia has been found to be spreading rapidly in watercourses in the Bang Khun Thian, Bang Bon and Thung Khru districts of Bangkok.