20 September 2024

Export of Thai durian to China will face stiffer competition from other ASEAN member countries, such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, as well as Chinese grown fruit.

The Indonesian government is set to increase the export of durians to China from Central Sulawesi province.

Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdy Mastura said in Jakarta on Monday that the province could lead durian exports to China, boasting around 30,000 hectares of durian plantations with more than three million trees across 12 districts.

According to data from Indonesia’s Agricultural Quarantine Agency, durian exports from Central Sulawesi to China were valued at about 600 billion rupiahs (~US$36.9 million). 

The governor noted that the province has adequate port facilities and is well-equipped for direct export to China, with an estimated travel time of 7-9 days.

According to Xinhua news agency, durian is being cultivated for domestic consumption in Sanya City, in China’s Hainan province.

The Mon Thong variety is priced at 80 yuan, or 400 baht/kg in China, about twice as expensive as in Thailand.

China is the world’s largest importer and consumer of durian. 

Thailand’s fresh durian exports to China are projected to reach US$4.5 billion this year, representing a slower growth of 12% year on year, a 30% decline form 2023, due to the low base of 2023 and declines in both export volume and value as compared to those in 2023, according to Kasikorn Research Centre.

Although Thailand will continue to enjoy a major share of the durian export market to China, the share of durian shipments from rival countries are projected to increase, therefore, maintaining the quality of Thai durians is the key to retaining their competitiveness, said KRC.