20 September 2024

Thirty-eight long-tailed macaques were captured yesterday in a new round of relocations, jointly launched by the Lop Buri municipal administration and the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, to contain the population of the monkeys and to reduce the disturbance they cause.

The current operation will last 10 days, with an aim to capture up to 500 macaques for relocation to a shelter.

A big cage has been placed near the old building of the waterworks office, in which to keep the captured primates during the ten-day operation before relocation.

The municipal mayor said that the monkeys still living at the Manorah shopping centre, Asia hotel, the Chayo Vanich building, the Malai Rama theatre and the waterworks office, are targeted for capture.

In the previous operation, more than 1,200 macaque were relocated to a sanctuary in the municipal area, which is now getting too crowded.