20 September 2024

A search and rescue team has found the body of a missing Dutch tourist between two huge rocks in a ravine, about 450 metres above ground level, on Ngorn Nak mountain in Krabi province.

The victim, 18-year-old Tim Bakker, went missing yesterday afternoon during his descent from the Ngorn Nak viewpoint with his parents, who had asked Tim to wait around the Nak waterfall while they walked down to fetch food and drinks from a store at the foot of the mountain for their tired and thirsty son.

When they returned to rendezvous with their son, they could not find him.

They called out for him, but there was no response, so they went down again to seek help. Teams were quickly assembled and search was launched, which continued throughout last night without success and was resumed this morning.

Park officials closed Ngorn Nak mountain to all tourists as two search teams resumed their mission, with one ascending the mountain on foot and the other dropping on ropes from a cliff into a ravine.

The second team found the Dutch tourist’s body at about 2pm.

Kritvikorm Klaewkla, the search team chief, said they are considering two ways to retrieve the body. One is to raise the body by rope to the clifftop. The other is to lower the body down to ground level.

He said either approach will take about three hours.