20 September 2024

Seven Cambodians, who were seriously injured in a car accident near the Thai border on Sunday night, were rushed to Thailand’s Si Sa Ket provincial hospital for treatment.

The injured were among a party of 27 Cambodians who sustained injuries when the van in which they were travelling plunged into a roadside ravine, in Anlong Veng district of Oddae Meanchey province. One passenger was killed.

All 27 were among 2,000 Cambodians who took a pilgrimage yesterday to Phu Singh district of Si Sa Ket province, to pay their respects to the relics of Luang Pu Suang at Phrai Phattana Temple.

Luang Pu Suang is highly respected by both Thais and Cambodians.

On their return journey to Cambodia, one of the convoy of about 100 vans, skidded off the road and plunged into the tree lined ravine when one of its tires burst, making it impossible for the driver to maintain control of the vehicle.