20 September 2024

The attempt by ex-Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra to act as unofficial mediator in Myanmar’s civil war, by conducting secret talks with anti-junta opposition groups, has left all parties, including the Myanmar military junta, uncomfortable, according to Irrawaddy online.

Thaksin has also asked to visit Myanmar, to hold talks with the junta, which has not responded.

The online report stated that, in March and April, Thaksin and his team met separately with representatives of revolutionary groups, including the Karen National Union, the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), the Kachin National Organisation, and the National Unity Government (NUG), as well as the Restoration Council of Shan State.

Commenting on reports that Thaksin had held talks with Myanmar’s armed ethnic groups, operating along the shared border with Thailand, Myanmar’s government spokesman Zaw Min Tun said, ‘We view encouraging terrorist groups, which destroy Myanmar’s interests, as inappropriate.’

Irrawaddy reported that, during talks with the NUG, Thaksin was only able to meet with mid-level officials from the shadow government, despite expressing a desire to meet with its leadership.

U Aung San Myint, Secretary 2 of the KNPP, told the Irrawaddy that, during his meeting with the group, Thaksin said he wanted to mediate in Myanmar’s ongoing internal strife. ‘We didn’t strike any agreement with him. We said now is not the time for dialogue. We discussed how humanitarian assistance could be helpful, as there is fighting. We didn’t discuss anything else,’ he said.