20 September 2024

Future Forward party secretary-general Piyabutr Saengkanokkul has called the Election Commission’s (EC) decision to ask the Constitutional Court to dissolve the Future Forward party “another day of infamy” for this independent organization.

Expressing his objection to the EC’s majority decision, Piyabutr questioned the EC’s performance, its discretion and the enforcement of the law, adding that he suspects the EC acted under instruction, citing the unusual haste in which it concluded the case and the fact the party was only invited to give testimony to the inquiry panel three times.

He said that the EC did not explain how a loan extended to the Future Forward party by its leader, Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, could be regarded as an ill-gotten gain or why the EC’s press release was only five sentences long and did not specify what the party had allegedly done to justify its dissolution.

He also pointed out that the leak of the EC’s findings to the media was done in such a way as to try to convince the public that the Future Forward party is in the wrong.

Piyabutr said he would like Thai society to question the performance of the EC and to judge the EC, adding that he expects the Constitutional Court will not rush the loan controversy case, like the EC, and will give the party a fair trial.

Since the inception of the party, Piyabutr said it had anticipated that it might end up being dissolved, but didn’t think it would come so soon.  He maintained that Thanathorn and the other parties are not demoralized by the EC’s decision and will carry on with plans to work with and for the people.