20 September 2024

Thailand’s Army Commander-in-Chief General Apirat Kongsompong today ruled out the possibility of a coup d’état , saying that unfounded reports of a coup were spread by “the same old group of people” and he asked the public not to fall prey to fake news on social media.

General Apirat said that sightings of tanks on the streets was used by those with ill-intent to spread false rumours. Confirming the army’s political neutrality, and that they would always be on the side of the people, he added “The truth is there is nothing.  Everything is proceeding in accordance with the election timeline.”

Apparently referring to a known group of political elements he said “Do not cross the line. Everyone must play by the rules.”

He also said he didn’t know whether the coup rumour was linked to the Thai Raksa Chart party’s controversial prime ministerial nomination. As the country enters an election period, the general said he has ordered his men to be cautious and to refrain from taking politically sides.

However, an informed source claimed that during a meeting with commanders of army units today,  the army chief has urged them to lend support to the present government so that “the tireless efforts made by Gen Prayut for the sake of the country would not go to waste.”