21 September 2024

The search for solutions to Myanmar’s problems must be led by Myanmar through Myanmar’s processes, said Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, the first Cambodian Secretary-General of ASEAN, during his recent official visit in Thailand.

The Myanmar crisis is again at the forefront of his discussions. The Secretary-General emphasised that the Myanmar conflict is complex and we should not expect a quick fix.

“The people of Myanmar have to decide their future, but what we (ASEAN) can do is to assist and facilitate the dialogue” Dr. Hourn said.

He also added that ASEAN’s position on Myanmar is not to interfere, but to assist the country to reduce violence on the ground.

Dr. Hourn highlighted that the absence of visible action by Indonesia does not imply inactivity. He noted that Indonesia has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts with Myanmar, albeit through discreet channels.

At the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat in February 2023, ASEAN Foreign Ministers agreed that ASEAN is part of the solution, not the problem, that ASEAN remains optimistic about resolving the Myanmar crisis and that ASEAN will remain fully engaged with Myanmar.

The ASEAN Secretary-General disclosed that the organisation’s Foreign Ministers have taken on the responsibility of devising a strategy for the implementation of the five-point consensus, as mandated by ASEAN leaders. He expressed optimism that the plan will be endorsed by member states in the near future.

The crisis in Myanmar has been perceived as a threat to ASEAN unity and a challenge to the block’s consensus between mainland and maritime ASEAN.

Dr. Hourn stated firmly that, at least for now, there is no desire from the members to change the ASEAN consensus style. The practice is within the ASEAN charter and it is the modus operandi of ASEAN.

By Chalarntorn Yothasmutra