20 September 2024

Here are the latest developments from Asia related to the novel coronavirus pandemic:

– Singapore cancels man’s passport –

Singapore cancelled the passport of a citizen who breached his mandatory quarantine period, the latest example of the city-state’s strict enforcement of social distancing measures.

The 53-year-old man had been ordered to stay at home for 14 days after returning to Singapore from neighbouring Indonesia — a rule he then broke by making a further return trip over the border.

Singapore, which has imposed tough measures to slow the spread of the virus — including the threat of six months in jail for people who intentionally stand close to someone else — reported its third COVID-19 death on Sunday.


– Australia domestic violence cases surge –

Australia announced a nearly US$100 million boost in funding to tackle domestic violence after support services reported a spike in coronavirus-related family abuse.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said there had been a 75 percent surge in Google searches for help during the ongoing nationwide shutdown of non-essential services to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Associations around the world that help victims of domestic violence have sounded the alarm over fears of an increase in cases, as the stress caused by social isolation exacerbates tensions.


– China reports slightly fewer imported cases –

China reported 45 new coronavirus infections on Sunday, all but one of them imported from abroad. That compares with 54 cases the previous day, all imported.

After taking draconian steps to bring the virus spread under control domestically, China is now doing the same to prevent imported infections.

It announced this week it would drastically reduce the number of international flights into the country and banned foreigners from entering beginning Saturday.


– New Zealand, Sri Lanka report first deaths –

New Zealand has had its first novel coronavirus death: a woman in her 70s with a chronic underlying condition.

There are now more than 500 confirmed cases in New Zealand, with 63 new infections reported over the past 24 hours.

Sri Lanka also recorded its first Coronavirus death late Saturday.

