20 September 2024

Two simultaneous attacks were reported in Myanmar’s capital and military-government stronghold Nay Pyi Taw and in the economic hub of Yangon on June 13th.

The Nay Pyi Taw incident was reported by multiple pro-military channels on the messaging application Telegram, saying that the police station in Lewe Township was attacked, with three police officers being injured, one of whom died on the way to a nearby hospital. 

The “People Media” channel claimed that members of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) rode past on motorcycles and threw grenades into the police station.

There has neither been any confirmation from the government nor have any groups come forward to claim responsibility for the attack.

Around the same time, the local electricity supply administrative office in Tamwe Township of Yangon is reported to have been attacked as well. 

A group called “Freeland Attack Force” said that they had three different teams conduct the attack. There has been no public damage report issued yet.

Since the parallel National Unity Government announced the formation of Yangon Battalion 5101 on May 5th, in order to increase attacks on military-government targets within Yangon, there has been a noticeable rise in incidents.

In the first two weeks of June there were at least 10 attacks on government buildings, such as the tax office on Pansodan Road and police stations. 

Since then, the military government had made arrests and issued new regulations, stating that those found harbouring, even unknowingly, PDF members as tenants within Yangon will not only be charged under anti-terrorism laws but will also have their property confiscated.

The Irrawaddy also reported that representatives of the military-government went to meet, for the first time since the coup, the still-imprisoned Aung San Suu Kyi on May 27th and on June 4th. 

According to the local news report, the goal of the discussions was to seek her assistance in quelling the recent resurgence of armed uprisings across the nation. The Nobel laureate refused to cooperate.