20 September 2024

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has formally opened a new landmark, the Chao Phraya Sky Park, which straddles the Chao Phraya River, linking Bangkok with its sister city, Thonburi.

The city’s first sky park is, in fact, a pedestrian walkway, about 280 metres long and 8.5 metres wide, built on the abandoned superstructure of the Lavalin rail project, in the middle of the King Rama VII Bridge.

The walkway is decorated with many tropical trees, suitable for the hot weather in Bangkok, such as Makoknam, Cha Khoi, Yeetho, Toyting Uang Mai Na and Bai Tang Rien.

Besides providing a new, natural alternative for residents of both sides of the river on which to stroll, it also serves a vantage point for panoramic views of the mighty river and many of its old and new riparian structures.

At one end of the sky park is the Rama VII Park, on the Bangkok side, and the Chalermphrakiat Park on the Thonburi side of the river.

The sky park is accessible every day from 5am to 8pm.  It can be reached via the MRT’s Sanamchai station, by bus or express boat stopping at the King Rama 1 Bridge.