20 September 2024

Thailand will have slightly more rain this year with plentiful food, according to the forecast of the Brahmins, which isbased on the food and drinks chosen by two sacred oxen during the Royal Ploughing Ceremony this morning (Friday) at Sanam Luang in Bangkok. The cloth, chosen by The Lord of the Ceremony, indicated that crops in the low lands may sustain some damage.

The ceremony was presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen, accompanied by Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol.

The ceremony started with two sacred oxen being hitched to a wooden plough and led by officials in ceremonial dress to plough a furrow in the ceremonial ground. This was followed by the scattering of rice seeds, to symbolise the beginning of the rice cultivation season.

Then, the two oxen were offered a variety food and drink,which included rice, maize, beans, sesame seeds, grass, water and liquor served on a platter. Three pieces of cloth of different lengths, from which the Lord of the Ploughing Ceremony can choose, were also offered.

The oxen chose water, grass, beans and liquor. Water, beans and grass were interpreted to mean plentiful rain and food,while the selection of the liquor meant flourishing international trade, convenient communication and a prospering economy.

The Lord of the Ceremony, represented by Agriculture Permanent Secretary Thongplew Kongjun, chose the shortest piece of cloth. According to tradition, this suggests that there will be a bit more rain this year and rice crops on higherground will be bountiful, while those on low ground may sustain some damage.