20 September 2024

The cabinet has approved an Energy Ministry proposal for the Government to help shoulder the electricity bills of 22 million households for three months, back dated to March, to cushion the impact of business closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the proposal, a household consuming less than 150 units will be exempted from paying any charge.  If it consumes over 150 units, but not exceeding 800, they will pay a charge equal to the bill for February.  If the household consumes over 800 units, but not exceeding 3,000 units, they will pay the February rate plus the additional units, which will be charged 50% of the normal rate.


If the power usage exceeds 3,000 units, the household will pay the February bill plus the units in excess of 800, which will be charged at 70% of the normal rate.

Energy Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong said that this assistance package will cost the taxpayer 23,688 million baht for the three-month period.

For the business sector, which is also affected by the pandemic, he said they are in the process of collecting information to help to work out a proposal to be submitted to the Energy Ministry for consideration.