20 September 2024

Suspected insurgents detonated a car bomb at a road junction in Su-ngai Kolok, Narathiwat province late Saturday night, but no one was injured.

CCTV footage shows a car being driven to the intersection and stopping. The driver got out of the car and ran to a waiting motorcycle, which sped away. Shortly afterward, the device exploded.

Police rapidly sealed off the area. Debris from the explosion was scattered over a radius of 100 metres.

Forensic officers and a bomb disposal squad combed the scene this morning.

Meanwhile, another bomb disposal squad destroyed a gas cylinder, found at a railway crossing, also in Su-Ngai Kolok district this morning (Sunday), as it was believed to contain an improvised explosive device.

The squad deployed a drone to survey the area around the cylinder before using a high-powered water gun in an attempt to disrupt any device it may contain. It then exploded.

While no direct link has been established, the car bombing comes about a week after the fireworks warehouse explosion in Su-Ngai Kolok district, in which 12 people died and over 100 were injured.

On the same night, a bomb went off behind a public park in Mueang district of Yala, slightly injuring a motorcyclist and their passenger.