20 September 2024

The Constitutional Court decided by 8:1 today to consider two petitions challenging the constitutionality of some provisions of the organic law regarding the election of the country’s 200 new senators.

The court resolved unanimously to reject the call by the petitioners to issue an injunction, pending a decision by the court, claiming that such injunction is unnecessary as no damage has occurred.

If damage does occur, the court said that the Election Commission is fully authorised to deal with the problem. 

One of the petitions, submitted by Vitoen Ngamplung, asked the court to interpret whether Sections 36, 40. 41 and 42 of the law, regarding the election of senators, are in breach of Section 107 of the Constitution.

The other petition, submitted by five senatorial candidates, also seeks the court’s ruling on the constitutionality of three sections of the organic law.

The two petitions will be combined, as they are similar, according to the court. The Election Commission and relevant agencies are given five days to submit their rebuttals to the court.

The first round of the election of senators, at the district level, is scheduled on June 9th, followed by provincial level elections on June 16th and national-level elections on June 26th.

Election results will be announced in July.

Candidates are divided into 20 professional groups. There is no direct public involvement or vote and the candidates are required to elect from among themselves.