21 September 2024

Members of parliament have been told by House speaker Chuan Leekpai to be honest in the performance of their duty, in compliance with ethical standards. They must refrain from abusing their privileges and The Speaker warned them that their malpractices may return to haunt them in the future.

Regarding MP air and train travel perks, Mr. Chuan warned MPs not to let other people use them in their place or to refuse to pay airlines or travel agencies for air tickets, as some former MPs did before to the point that the companies complained in writing to parliament to demand the outstanding air fares.

He further reminded the MPs of the etiquette of boarding a passenger plane, saying that they should not be late or make the plane wait for them. MPs also shouldn’t let other people use their right to free travel on Transport Company’s bus services or bother Thai embassies when they make overseas study or inspection trips and to be aware of the proper dress code when attending formal social functions.

He urged MPs to attach importance to the deliberation of bills during the scrutiny sessions and warned government MPs to not skip the debates on the budget bill, because of the government’s slim majority in the House and the likelihood that the government may be defeated if its MPs are not present.