20 September 2024

Temperatures in Thailand’s north and north-eastern provinces are forecast to fall 5-10oC between November 3rd and 7th, with frost on some of the mountain tops, where the mercury is predicted to dip to between 2-10 oC, the Meteorological Department reported today (Sunday).

Meanwhile, in the central provinces, Bangkok and the eastern region, temperatures are expected to drop 4-6 oC to 16-21oC during the same period.

The Weatherman warned members of the public to take care of their health and keep themselves warm.

The cold weather is attributable to a new and intense cold front from China, which is expected to blanket the northern part of Thailand, in conjunction with the strengthening of the north-eastern monsoon over the Gulf of Thailand and southern region.

From Chumpon province south, the sea in the Gulf will be choppy with waves of 2-4 metres and over 4 metres in stormy areas.  Small boats are advised to stay ashore.