27 September 2024

The Criminal Court, this morning (Monday), held an inquiry into a letter of complaint from Arnon Nampa, one of the remanded Ratsadon leaders, expressing concern over the safety of his two colleagues in Bangkok remand prison.

In the letter, which was posted on social media on March 16th, Anon claims that, on four occasions in the middle of the night of March 15th, prison officers tried to bundle his two cellmates, Panupong Jadnok, alias Mike Rayong, and Chatupat Boonpatthararaksa, alias Pai Daodin, out of their cell, supposedly for COVID-19 screening, but he and the other detained Ratsadon leaders resisted because they thought the officers’ actions were suspicious.

Appearing at the inquiry are Arnon, Panupong, Chatupat and their lawyer, Kritsadang Nutcharas of the Thai Lawyer for Human Rights.

Kritsadang told the media that the deputy director-general of the Corrections Department, accompanied by some of his officials, are also present at the session to defend the department against Arnon’s allegations. They brought with them video footage from the prison cell recorded on March 15th and the following morning.

A separate inquiry is scheduled this afternoon for the Criminal Court to consider the conduct of another Ratsadon core leader being held on remand, Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak, in the courtroom on March 15th, to decide whether it amounts to contempt of court.

Parit allegedly climbed onto a courtroom chair and flashed the three-finger symbol of defiance, to protest against the court’s denial of his bail request, causing a brief commotion during which a drink bottle was thrown by one of those in the courtroom.

Asdang admitted that he was concerned about this incident and would like to hear full details from the court.

Contempt of court is subject to a maximum jail term of six months and/or a fine of 500 baht.