20 September 2024

Deputy House speaker Padipat Suntiphada said today (Sunday) that he is prepared to be investigated for allegedly misusing parliamentary funds, by hosting Thai barbecue buffet for about 300 maids working at the parliament complex.

Speaking to Thai PBS, Padipat insisted that his use of money from the entertainment fund, which is about two million baht annually, is approved by the Comptroller Department and allocated to him by the House speaker, was in line with parliamentary regulations.

He said that, during inspection trips or visits to parliament by guests, he uses the fund or perks provided by parliament to treat them to food, which is no different from the way he treated parliament’s maids.

The bill for the buffet was reported to be about 90,000 baht.

He claims that parliament maids are just as important as other parliamentary officials in providing services to MPs and senators and treating them to a Thai barbecue buffet once in a while, to boost their morale, is not intended to increase his popularity among them.

He also said that other senior government officials have similar perks, which they have used to entertain their guests,without having to report to the public or to their agencies.

A few days earlier, Padipat was seen on social media posing with a brand of craft beer in Phitsanuloke province, his electoral constituency, in a way which is being viewed by his critics as advertising alcoholic drinks, in violation of Section 59 of the Criminal Code.

Serial petitioner Srisuwan Janya has submitted a complaint tothe House speaker demanding a probe into Padipat’s conduct, adding that he will submit a similar complaint to the National Anti-Corruption Commission against the Move Forward MP for allegedly breaching political etiquette.

Democrat spokesman Ramet Rattanachaweng said that Padipat, in his capacity as deputy House speaker, should be more discreet and should comply with the law.