20 September 2024

Thailand set a new record for electricity consumption at 8.58pm on Monday night, when 35,830 megawatts of electricity were consumed, according to the Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission (OERC).

Based on reports from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, the Metropolitan Electricity Authority and the Provincial Electricity Authority, the OERC said that the last record was at 9.41pm on May 6 last year, when 34,826 megawatts were consumed.

More new records may be set in the coming days, if the already scorching weather gets even hotter.

The Energy Policy and Planning Office had already predicted electricity consumption will increase this year and may exceed 35,000 megawatts, as it now has.

Power consumption records set in April are:

  • 33,340 megawatts at 9 pm on April 1
  • 33,827.1 megawatts at 8.51 pm on April 2
  • 34,196.5 megawatts at 9 pm on April 4
  • 34,277.4 megawatts at 10.22 pm on April 5
  • 34,656.4 megawatts at 8.54 pm on April 6
  • 35,830.0 megawatts at 8.58 pm on April 22

Today, the Meteorological Department forecast hot weather across the country, especially in northern provinces, where temperatures are forecast reach 44oC.

Maximum temperatures in central and north-eastern provinces will reach 39oC to 42oC, while Bangkok and its vicinity will bask in a cosy 41oC.

Members of the public are advised to stay in-doors and to avoid working or performing other activities outdoors.