20 September 2024

The first group of Thai evacuees from Sudan is expected to arrive in Bangkok on a Royal Thai Air Force flight at about 10pm tomorrow (Thursday) night, according to Air Chief Marshal Alongkorn Vannarot, commander-in-chief of the RTAF.

The second group is expected to arrive on Friday morning, at about 9am.

The RTAF has sent an Airbus A340-500 and two C-130 transport planes to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia to pick up 223 Thai nationals, evacuated by boat from the Port of Sudan. The three aircraft are scheduled to arrive in the King Abdul-Aziz international airport in Jeddah tomorrow.

ACM Alongkorn said that the Thais, mostly students, have registered for evacuation from Sudan and 82 have already boarded a ship at the Port of Sudan heading for Jeddah.

As for the remaining 133 Thais, he admitted that it is not known yet when they will be able to leave the Port of Sudan, because there are many other people of various nationalities scrambling to leave as well.

For those who have already left the Port of Sudan for Jeddah, he said RTAF officers will screen the arrivals and will give first priority to women, children, elderly people and the sick.

Those who are physically strong will board a C-130 transport plane, because the plane will have to stop in Dubai and India for refuelling and the flight will take longer, said ACM Alongkorn.

For the remainder of the Thai people stranded at the Port of Sudan, not knowing when there will be a ship to take them, he said that the Thai Foreign Ministry will try to coordinate with Saudi Arabia to have a vessel sent to pick them up.

In case the remaining Thais cannot board a ship, he said the RTAF may consider sending a C-130 transport plane from Jeddah to pick them up instead, but this will depend whether the airport in the Port of Sudan is safe.