21 September 2024

The first district level intra-group round of senatorial elections completed today, with only some minor problems. The lists of the candidates who progress to the provincial level will be submitted to the election directors of each province and displayed at each district office on Monday. They will also be published on the Election Commission’s website.

Election Commission (EC) Secretary-General Sawaeng Boonmee said that a few candidates failed to show up at the polling units by the 9am deadline, there was one case of sudden illness and a candidate brought a prohibited wireless earphone into the polling unit.

He also said any candidate who feels that there was any fault in the process today should submit a protest to the Supreme Court within three days, adding that the court must deliver a ruling one day ahead of the provincial voting at the latest. 

The protest must, however, be based on either the qualifications of candidates, the legality of the process orelection irregularities.  

Sawaeng said complaints of election irregularities must also be filed with the EC.