20 September 2024

The flood situation in several north-eastern provinces is expected to improve during early November, as the water level in the Mun River in Ubon Ratchathani Province has been stable for three consecutive days and the flow into the Mekong River is improving, according to Ubon Ratchathani Governor Chonlatee Youngtrong.

The level of the Mun River was measured at 11.51 metres at 6am today (Friday) at the Democracy Bridge in Ubon Ratchathani, which is higher than the 10.97 metres recorded in 2019, but still lower than the record high in 1978, which was measured at 12.76 metres, said the governor.

Meanwhile, the level of the Mekong River in Khong Chiam District has dropped by 7cm today and the water level is 5.33 metres below its bank on the Thai side, allowing water to flow from the Mun River into the Mekong River at a rate of 7,018m3/sec or 606 million cubic metres per day.

The governor said that the water level in the Chi River is also falling, but officials must keep a close watch on the embankments of the Ubolratana Reservoir, as water is still being discharged through the dam at a rate of 54 million cubic metres a day.

Citing the improvement in the water situation in the Mun and Chi rivers, the governor predicted that the flooding in north-eastern provinces will recede and return to normal in November.

The Mun River is the largest tributary of the Mekong River. The main river system of the Khorat Plateau, the Mun River rises in the San Kamphaeng Range and flows east for 673km, joining the Chi River and entering the Mekong River at the Laotian border. Ubon Ratchathani and Nakhon Ratchasima are the main towns on its banks.

In the central province of Chai Nat, a 30 metres of a local road running parallel to the Maharat Canal in Sapphaya District, which also serves as an embankment, collapsed, causing water from the Chao Phraya River to flow through the gap into the canal.

Yesterday sand bags and foundation poles were rushed to the area to plug the gap.

One pickup truck was swept into the canal as the driver tried to brave the strong currents, but the driver was rescued.

In Kosum Phisai District of Maha Sarakham Province, local officials used a backhoe and trucks loaded with soil to plug a gap in the an embankment, which partially collapsed sending floodwater into several villages in Kosum Phisai and Chiang Yuen districts.

Officials said they expected to complete the repairs today.