20 September 2024

Thailand’s Department of Health has warned outlets which provide food or drinks containing cannabis, at their locations or through other channels, to apply for permission from local authorities or face legal action.

According to Dr. Atthaphon Kaewsamrit, the deputy director of the department, penalties for violations differ in line with the size of the outlet. If the outlet is larger than 200 square metres, the penalties will be a maximum of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of 50,000 baht, while, for smaller outlets, the penalties are three months in prison and/or a fine of 25,000 baht on conviction.

He urged consumers to alert local officials if they see anywhere providing food or drink containing cannabis, be they premises, online or a delivery service.

Cannabis-infused food and drink products are not for everyone

The use of cannabis, especially the leaves, in the preparation of food, drinks and snacks has boomed since cannabis, hemp and their extracts, with less than 0.2% THC by weight, were decriminalised in Thailand on June 9th.

The widespread use of cannabis has caused concern among many consumers that they may unknowingly consume the substance and may experience negative symptoms, if eateries do not openly inform them about which food or drinks contain it.

Some cases of negative effects have been reported, especially among those who are allergic to cannabis, although there have not yet been any serious cases or fatalities.

Numerous government offices and schools have banned the sale of food and drinks containing cannabis on their premises or in their compounds.

Six minors in Thailand suffer undesirable symptoms after consuming cannabis