20 September 2024

Former deputy interior minister and former Democrat MP Nipon Boonyamanee has been sentenced to nine years in prison by the Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases, after being found guilty of malfeasance over the procurement of two multi-purpose trucks, worth about Bt51 million, by Songkhla Provincial Administrative Organisation (PAO).

The court also revoked his right to contest elections for five years.

The offence was committed in 2013, when Nipon was then the mayor of the Songkhla PAO. Nipon refused to pay the Ponlavit Tech Plus Company, which won the bid to supply the PAO with the two trucks, claiming that the company had engaged in price collusion.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission investigated the case and found Nipon guilty of malfeasance. The case was then forwarded to the Central Criminal Court, prompting Nipon to step down as deputy interior minister, reportedly to avoid using his time in government service to defend himself in court.

The Criminal Court’s verdict is not final and the former minister has the right to appeal.