20 September 2024

Most respondents to an opinion poll, conducted by the Super Poll Research Centre, admit that honest ministers, good jobs and cheap but good food are difficult to find these days.

Super Poll director Noppadol Kannikar today presented results of his qualitative and quantitative research, conducted between July 1st and 6th on 1,288 people from various occupations nationwide. The subjects were asked about their personal experiences of things which they think are easy or difficult to find.

When asked about whether they have encountered honest ministers, who are truly dedicated to the people, 86.4% of the respondents admitted such ministers are rare.  88.6% of the respondents said it is much easier to find corrupt officials demanding bribes or asking for promotion.

84% of the respondents admitted that good jobs are difficult to find, while 16% thought differently and 81.2% said technology would soon replace humans.

70% said it is hard to find cheap but good food these days, compared to 30% who said it was easy to find. 89.9% said laws and regulations have made it difficult for them to make a living.

79.3% of the respondents said they see few good people surrounding the Prime Minister and 91.6% have a bad impression of politicians, accusing them of being greedy and self-interested.

Noting that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s popularity reducing, Dr. Noppadol proposed three measures, namely that he pool all the resources to be managed by the government, amend laws and rules which impede effective and sustainable management of resources for the benefit of the people and then distribute wealth among the people more fairly.

The issue of most concern, he claimed, is that the unemployment rate is 10%, not 1% as claimed by the government, citing that 35-40% of educated employees admitted their jobs are not secure.