20 September 2024

The Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) is blaming the increase in electricity bills for many households in Bangkok on the hot weather, requiring greater use of air-conditioners.

Government Spokesman Anucha Burapachaisri explained today (Friday) that for every rise of 1oC in external temperature, an air-conditioner in a house or office will consume 3% more energy to maintain the cooler temperature inside the building.

For instance, if the outside temperature is 30oC, to keep the temperature in the house at 26oC, an air-conditioner must reduce the temperature inside the house by 4oC. If, however, the outside temperature is 40oC, the air-conditioner must work harder to reduce the temperature by 14oC.

Increased opening of refrigerators during the summer also contributes to the increased power consumption, he said, adding that, in response to complaints from many private households about higher bills, the MEA has denied that it has increased charges for April.

To conserve energy during the summer, it is recommended that households keep the in-door temperature at around 26oC or 27oC and switch on an electric fan, which can help conserve energy.

Other tips for saving electricity include unplugging appliances which are not in use, cleaning air-conditioners twice a year, not storing too much food in a fridge and not opening the fridge frequently.

Anucha disclosed that power consumption for Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Samut Prakan peaked at 8,904.66 megawatts on April 18th. For the whole country, peak power consumption was recorded at 32,154.4 megawatts at 8.52pm on April 6th, when average temperature was 31.2oC.

The record peak of consumption was recorded at 32,254.5 megawatts at 10.36pm on April 27th last year, when average external temperature was 32oC.

The Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) has assessed that peak power consumption for this year may, however, increase to 39,000 megawatts, including 34,000 megawatts supplied by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the MEA and Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), plus an additional 5,000 megawatts of independent power supply (IPS).

Anucha said that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had expressed concern for households over the increased energy bills and instructed authorities concerned to try to ease the financial burden on consumers.