20 September 2024

Chiang Mai – The Independent Press Council of Myanmar (IPCM) was launched yesterday on World Press Free day in the presence of Myanmar journalists in exiles and their international colleagues.

IPCM will be the first media regulatory mechanism in exile in Asia with members from all independent media outlets and both inside and outside Myanmar.

Nan Paw Gay, Chair of IPCM said at the historic gathering that their journalists are professional especially in reporting the country’s military conflict.

She reiterated that their safety and access to reliable information is the key in this endeavor.

The gathering yesterday also vetted the first draft of a comprehensive Code of Conduct for Myanmar journalists. The document will go through a consultative process which will be in place before the end of the year.

Ko Ko Zaw, Vice Chair of the IPCM, pointed out that their effort is to fill a major vacuum for Myanmar media in upgrading its professional standards, promoting good journalism and ensuring safety of individual journalists and their media organizations.

After the coup in February 2021, at least 52 journalists are still imprisoned including 19 media houses revoked media licenses operating inside Myanmar.

IPCM also acknowledges the efforts of all ethnic armed groups for their efforts to ensure media safety in their respective area, according to Toe Zaw Latt, General Secretary of IPCM. He added that the council shall evaluate their responses to media based on the principles of press freedom to ensure access to information and safety of journalists in those areas.

To broaden the IPCM networks and contacts, it has set up five sub-working committees—safety and protection mechanisms, outreach, communications, sustainability and code of conduct.