20 September 2024

India will convene the second “Track 1.5” roundtable on Myanmar next week, to continue progress made at the first meeting in Bangkok in March, according to a highly informed source.

Track 1.5, in terms of diplomacy, are conversations that include a mix of government officials, who participate in an unofficial capacity, and non-governmental experts, all sitting at the same table

The source, who asked not to be named, said India will hold the roundtable from 24-26 April in New Delhi. Discussions will focus on the current situation inside Myanmar, including the recent air attacks by the Tatmadaw on Pa Ki Gyi Village in Sagaing region, which killed more than 160 civilians.

The second meeting will comprise senior officials and representatives from think-tanks of the ASEAN members and dialogue partners who share common borders with Myanmar.

These countries are Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, India and China. The representatives of the previous and current ASEAN chairs, Cambodia and Indonesia, along with key donor countries, such as Japan have been invited. Furthermore, experts from regional and humanitarian organisations will also take part in the three-day discussion.

The Track 1.5 dialogue was initiated by Thailand, as a way of opening additional channels for dialogue among stakeholders affected by the Myanmar crisis. It is also aimed at promoting mutual trust and confidence. The forum will focus on specific issues within the ASEAN 5-point consensus, in order to move the peace process forward.

The roundtable is expected to submit the outcome of their deliberations to senior officials for further action. The progress of the implementation of the ASEAN peace plan has been slow, as conflicting parties are still fighting on the ground.