20 September 2024

People with appropriate insurance cover can now claim medical expenses incurred while they are in home or community isolation, for up to 14 days, from their insurers, according to Mr. Sutthiphol Thaveechaikarn, secretary-general of Office of the Insurance Commission (OIC).

He said, however, that claims can only be for actual and necessary expenses incurred for medical treatment and the amount payable will not exceed the financial benefits stipulated in the insurance policy.

In case the insurance policies cover expenses for in and out-patient medical treatment, he explained that the out-patient element of the coverage should be applied to those in home or community isolation.

Mr. Sutthiphol said that the OIC has already instructed insurance companies to extend their policies to cover people undergoing treatment or observation in “hospitels” as well as hospitals, adding that the coverage did not extend to those in home or community isolation, which has only recently introduced in light of the rapid surge in COVID-19 infections and shortage of hospital beds.

The insured, who are now in home or community isolation, can claim their compensation until September 30th, said the OIC secretary-general, adding that this measure will help ease the financial burden on the infected and their families.