20 September 2024

Meet “Ailynn”, a 21-year-old virtual influencer, introduced by the Thai digital agency “SIA Bangkok”, hoping to penetrate Thailand’s digital advertising industry and enhance virtual-reality-related businesses.

According to its website, “Ailynn” is the first “metaverse”human from this agency, who represents a “bold, smart, modern, mysterious, yet confident character”.


“Ailynn” debuted last Friday, through its own Instagram account, which has attracted 2,798 followers so far.

“Ailynn” is not, however, the first virtual influencer in Thailand as another digital agency, “bda.world.service”,recently created a 17-year-old AI model called “Bangkok Naughty Boo”, who now has as many as 2,000 followers on Instagram.


Other countries have also been using virtual influencers to promote brands and various products.

Among them are “Miquela Sousa AI”, a Brazilian-Spanish American virtual influencer, whose versatility, from modelling to singing, has attracted over 3 million followers on Instagram so far.

China also has “Ayayi”, who models for many brands and has collaborated with famous Chinese actors.

Another AI influencer is “Rozy”, from South Korea, who presents different lifestyles, from food and fashion totravel, on Instagram, and has more than 97,000 followers.