20 September 2024

Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries (MAFF) has asked Thailand to wait until the existing 8,000 tonnes import quota of Hom Tong banana is exhausted before applying for an increase.

Under the Japan -Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA), 8,000 tonnes of Thai bananas are currently entitled to tariff exemptions.

According to Thai trade representative Narumon Pinyosinwat that quota is nearly used up and once that 8,000 tonnes limit is reached, Thailand can request an increase to 100,000 tonnes. Her counterpart, Ryosuke Ogawa, Vice-Minister for International Affairs at the MAFF, explained that when the limit is reached MAFF could bring up for discussion on the request on the Japanese side.

Narumon and her delegation met with Ryosuke Ogawa to discuss trade issues yesterday.

After the meeting, Professor Narumon said that Ogawa had praised several Thai fruits for their good flavour, but has yet to taste Thai Hom Tong bananas.

Narumon also said that she has extended an invitation to Japan to participate in the International Horticultural Expo, to be held in Udon Thani province in 2026. She added that she asked the Japanese minister to persuade the Japanese public and private sectors to support the expo.

The Thai trade representative also thanked the MAFF for its decision to allow the import of Thai mangosteen, without going through a steaming process.