20 September 2024

Newly-elected Democrat party leader Jurin Laksanavisit said today that the party will have an answer to the most-asked question, about whether the party will join a coalition government or form the opposition, by the time parliament is to meet to choose the next prime minister.

Jurin said that the new executive committee would meet on Monday afternoon to delegate duties and responsibilities to deputy party leaders and deputy secretaries-general “because we have to complete the forming of our Avengers team so the party can move forward”.

He said the executive committee will not discuss the coalition/opposition question on Monday.

Democrat party members remain divided whether to join the Palang Praharat-led coalition.

The conference hall at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been chosen as the venue for the formal opening of the parliament, which will be presided over by HM the King.

Separate meetings of the House of Representatives and the Senate, to elect their respective speakers, are scheduled on the following day.