20 September 2024

Hundreds of people gathered at the Public Relations Department (PRD) this morning (Tuesday) to file petitions to receive the 5,000 baht/month cash subsidy, promised by the Thai government, after they did not receive the first payment in April.

Some of the petitioners are reported to have kept a vigil in front of the PRD since Monday night, for fear that they might miss the chance when the expected huge crowd of people turned up.  A long queue formed, stretching from the PRD to the Finance Ministry.

Altogether 26 million Thais registered for the subsidy, meant for people affected by business closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Only 16 million have qualified and 11 million have received their first payment.

The Fiscal Policy Office has assured that the subsidy will be sent to the remaining five million people, who missed out on the payment last month, within this week.

It was reported that many people missed out because they unintentionally cancelled their online registration.

The Public Relations Department, which is about 200 metres from the Finance Ministry, was chosen as the new venue for the filing of complaints, because it is more spacious and can accommodate more people while maintaining social distancing.

Officials from state-run banks, such as Krung Thai, the Government Savings Bank and the Government Housing Bank, are on hand to provide information to the petitioners.

More people are expected to show up later today to file petitions.