20 September 2024

The Election Commission (EC) finally certified the list of 200 new senators and 100 reservists today, following the last round of voting on June 26.

The senators-elect are required to receive their certificates from the EC on July 11 and 12, so that they can report to the Secretariat of the Senate.

The EC disqualified Kordiyoh Songngam, a female former village chief, in the media background group, who won in Ang Thong province because she was found to be working as an advisor to the president of the Ang Thong Provincial Administrative Organisation.

A reservist in the same background group, Korapot Runghiranwat, was moved up to replace her.

The announcement was made after the EC met between 9am and 2.30pm today.

EC Secretary General Sawaeng Boonmee told reporters that the announcement was made after they had determined that the election process was implemented legitimately, according to the law and with fairness.

There are about 800 complaints filed with the EC, Sawaeng said, adding that investigations into those complaints will continue and, in some cases, they will ask for assistance from the police.