20 September 2024

The Thai cabinet endorsed an edict by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment today (Tuesday), declaring specific areas in Pak Khlong, Chum Kho, Bang Son and Saphli sub-districts in Pathio district of the southern province of Chumphon to be environmental protection zones, in which construction, fishing and dredging of sand will be prohibited.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Traisuree Traisoranakul said that the edict is designed to conserve the areas, which are feeding grounds for rare marine species and an important tourist destination.

Under the edict, which is yet to come into force, the environmental protection zones cover beaches and sea within 5.4km of the coastline. Fishing and all kinds of construction will be completely prohibited.

Dredging and changes to the sand dunes on the beaches will also be banned when the edict comes into force. All kinds of construction will be also be banned on beaches within 20 meters of the shoreline on all islands in the conservation zones.