20 September 2024

Thai people are often reluctant to show their national identity cards for a number of reasons, one of which is that the photo on the card doesn’t look like them or is distorted.

This is because the officials who take the photos for official use generally do not allow the subject to review the photo or retake it if they are not happy with it.

This recently became a hot issue among Thai netizens, after Thai rapper and singer Danupha Khanatheerakul, known by her stage name “Milli”, wrote on her X account, @millimdk, detailing her experience applying for an identity card at Bang Phlat district office.

She said she was happy as her photo on the card was nice.

She also included a version of her identity card in her post. In the photo she looked pretty, with good hair and lighting.

Her post went viral, with many netizens expressing a desire to apply for their identity card at the Bang Phlat district office.

The district office quickly capitalised on the situation by reposting Milli’s X message on its Facebook page and asking, ‘Does your identity card expire? If you want a nice shot and a pretty photo, you have to come to Bang Phlat district office.’

The message explained that the office hours are from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

The post was liked by many netizens and garnered numerous positive comments.

by Marisa Chimprabha//Photo : @millimdk