20 September 2024

Temperatures in Bangkok and the rest of the country, except the south, are forecast to drop by 1-3oC from tomorrow until December 22, due to a strong high pressure front from China, which is now covering the northeast and the South China Sea, according to the Meteorological Department.

Thailand’s weather will be affected by two successive strong cold fronts until December 22, which bring cooler weather. The northeast will be cooler than the rest of the country, with the mercury forecast to fall by 2-4oC.

Meanwhile, moderate north-easterly monsoon winds are strengthening in the Gulf of Thailand and the southern region, bringing isolated heavy rain to some areas. The sea is rough, with waves averaging two metres in height, but higher in stormy areas.

Low temperature forecasts for the country are 24-26oC in and around Bangkok and its vicinity, 16-21oC in the northeast, 18-22oC in northern provinces, 21-24oC in central provinces and 23-26oC in the south.

Mountainous areas in the north and northeast will be cooler than the lowlands, with minimum temperatures ranging from 7-15oC in the north and 10-15oC in the northeast.