20 September 2024

Temperatures in most of Thailand, except southern provinces, are forecast to drop by 1-3 degrees Celsius this Saturday, due to a moderate cold front from China, which is currently over Vietnam and northern Laos and which is predicted to cover north-eastern Thailand and the South China Sea today, reported the Meteorological Department today.

As a result of the cold weather and humidity from the South China Sea and the Gulf, induced by the easterly wind, northern Thailand will initially experience isolated rainfall, before temperatures start to fall by 1-3 degrees Celcius from tomorrow.

Low temperatures in northern provinces are forecast to range from 18-23 degrees Celsius in the lowlands and 10-15 degrees Celsius in mountainous areas.

Low temperatures in northeastern region are forecast to fall by 1-3 degrees Celcius, to 17-22 degrees Celsius in the lowlands and 10-15at h degrees Celsius higher elevations.

Low temperatures in Bangkok and its peripherals are forecast to be 23-25 degrees Celcius and 21-24 degrees Celcius for the rest of the central region. Temperatures in the eastern region are expected to drop a degree or so, to 23 -26 degrees Celcius.

More than 70% of the southern east coast will experience rain storms and heavy downfalls, while about 60% of the southern west coast will see heavy rain.