20 September 2024

Most Thai laborers are expecting that the minimum wage will be adjusted up to at least 400 baht when the new post-election government comes into the office, according to Bangkok Poll of the research centre of Bangkok University.

Currently, there are seven rates of minimum wage in Thailand, with the maximum rate at 330 baht/day in Bangkok, Phuket, Chon Buri and Rayong provinces and the lowest rate at 308 baht/day.

Bangkok Poll gauged the opinions of 1,160 Thai laborers in Bangkok and its peripherals about the minimum wage and their expectations.

The poll results show 61.7 percent of the respondents expect the new government to raise the minimum wage and about 43 percent of them expect the rate to be increased to 400 baht/day with immediate effect whereas 15.3 percent expect the rate to be gradually adjusted to 400 baht/day within 1-2 years.  38.3 percent of the respondents do not expect any wage adjustment.

42.1 percent of the respondents admit that the current minimum wage is just enough to meet their daily expense, with no savings at all while 31.6 percent says the wage is not sufficient to make a living, forcing them to borrow.  26.3 percent however say the wage is enough to eke out a living and, still, they have some savings.

However, 85.9 percent of the respondents admit they are worried that cost of living will increase accordingly if the wage is adjusted to 400-425 baht/day while 21.0 percent say they are afraid many workers will be laid off if the wage is increased to 40-425 baht/day.

79 percent of the respondents want the new government to impose price controls on basic consumer products while 53.6 percent want the government to provide workers with health care welfare safety net.  37.7 percent want the government to create more jobs to ease unemployment problem.