20 September 2024

The Constitutional Court has agreed to give the Move Forward party another 15 days to present evidence in its defence against an application, by the Election Commission, seeking the dissolution of the party and banishment of its executive committee members from politics for 10 years, on charges of attempting to overthrow the country’s Constitutional Monarchy.

Earlier, the court gave until April 18 for the presentation of its defence, but the party asked for an extension to May 3.

The Constitutional Court has already found the party guilty of attempting to overthrow Constitutional Monarchy for its election campaign to amend Article 112 of the Criminal Code, more commonly called the lèse majesté law.

Besides the presentation of evidence, the Move Forward party hopes that the court will conduct an enquiry, which would allow the party to present witnesses to support its case.

Move Forward has denied that it has a new party in reserve, in case it is dissolved by the court, so that its MPs, who are not executive committee members, can join the new party without having to seek shelter in rival parties.