21 September 2024

The Thai Government’s spokeswoman, Mrs. Narumon Pinyosinwat, appears unperturbed by doubts being expressed about her capabilities and economic expertise, after she was recently chosen to lead the economic team of the ruling Palang Pracharat party.

She dismissed the criticism as normal, saying that she had previously been a member of the party’s economic team, responsible for drawing up economic policies.

She maintained, however, that her new responsibility as chief of the party’s team is unrelated to the Government’s economic team, saying that it is the Prime Minister who selects economic ministers.

The party’s previous economic team, headed by Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana, was purged during a general assembly of the party last week, which saw the election of a new party leader and a new executive board, minus Mr. Uttama and Energy Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong, former secretary-general of the party.

Countering criticism, that she has no economic expertise, Mrs. Narumon told the media on Monday that she taught finance in universities, until she was promoted to professor. She said she also worked in an advisory capacity on the stock market for more than ten years and in several commercial banks, as well as holding board memberships in the private sector.

She insisted that she has no conflicts with Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, head of the Government’s economic team, which includes Mr. Uttama, Mr. Sontirat, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations Mr. Suwit Mesinsee and Mr. Kobsak Pootrakool, deputy secretary general of PM’s Office.