20 September 2024

Opinion pollsters and the media are barred from disclosing opinion poll results related to Bangkok’s gubernatorial and council elections from now until the actual polls close at 5 pm on May 22nd, according to Samran Tanpanich, head of the Bangkok Election Commission.

He said that the prohibition is intended to prevent the use of opinion poll results to the advantage or disadvantage of election candidates, explaining that eligible voters may use the results to vote for the leading or underdog candidates.

As voting is compulsory, Samran advised eligible voters who are unable to make it to the polling booths on election day, because of a doctor’s appointment for example, to notify officials within the week following election day by mail, in person, through an authorised representative, via the www.bora.dopa.go.th or www.ect.go.th websites or the Smart Vote app.

Those who do not exercise their right to vote and do not notify officials in time will lose the right to apply to contest a national or local election, become a member of the Senate or a local council, apply to become a village headman, sign a petition demanding the removal of a local administrator or councillor or to become a political official.

The restriction of such rights is valid for two years from their failure to vote.

With less than a week to go before the election, Samran urged all candidates to comply strictly with the laws in their election campaigning, especially as regards their campaign banners or posters, which must be installed at specific locations permitted by Bangkok Election Commission.

For voters, he suggested they remember the names, numbers and backgrounds of the candidates, especially the numbers of councillor candidates, which vary from one district to another.